PASSION…stop for a minute and say the word out loud with feeling … Passion—how does that feel to you? Think about it for a few seconds, and now say it again…Passion. I would bet that if you are really in touch with your feelings, you might say it makes you feel squirmy, sexy, and alive. But why is that? It’s just a word, right? Well, Yes, no, sort of.
PASSION is a life force, and that force is life. When you let yourself be in touch with your feelings, you can feel that life force and the power that’s behind the feeling of PASSION, the most intoxicating of all. It’s the spark that can not only ignite the dynamite, blow it out of the water kind of power source, but an opening of the valve that can literally transform you everyday life into an extraordinary one, and a master of creation!
Now just so we are clear about this, I am not talking about sweaty hot Palpitating heart flashes or spastically bouncing off walls, nor hip, hip hurray cheerleading….even though it is true, passion does come in all forms and degrees. The passion I mean is a strong inner knowing, a quiet sureness that continuously reassures that you are the one in control of your destiny, and that “the tiger you are holding by the tail is actually you!”
“I want it, I got it, sign me up,” might be your thoughts of the moment… and I fully intend to give you that gift, but first let’s play a game. Starting with you thinking about something that you want to bring into creation—a relationship, a new career or bringing your career to another level, a healthy fit trim body, or a new lifestyle in a better area or home?
Pick just one to work on, any one, even if you would like to create all of the ones above. Now, ask yourself, what is the fuel behind this dream? Is it a desire for money, possessions or fame? Whatever the reason, if your creation is not powered by a PASSION for you to follow your joy, you not only are going to be working overtime, it will never be all it can be. Again, the question rises up…how do you activate a passion generated by joy and not a need that demands effort and often doesn’t produce the results you want? How?…by not resisting your natural instincts and birthright to have what you want come in an easier and more joyful way. The sooner that you can let go of the limiting voices in your head that have convinced you that there is only one right way to achieve, the sooner you will allow and feel the buzz of PASSION pushing you forward to your dream. At Meister Eckhart book called The Passion for Creation, really brings this message home.
Start by sparking your passion by creating a space to feel, to examine what really excites you. What dream you have always had, that if it came true would be like WOW. Now in that safe space, ask yourself these questions: What do you repeatedly dream about having, what is your vision or goal that you may never have shared with anyone else? What do you read about, watch on TV, often times get into conversations with others? Ask these questions repeatedly until you can clearly feel what excites you, and then give yourself the time and chance to investigate your passion…and then take the risk. Take the risk of falling in love with your dream and your own personal power of creation.
Since I have played in this game of creation for quite a long time now, I can honestly say that one of the biggest roadblocks that often shows up around creation is fear; False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear that some- one might not like or approve of your ideas, fear of stepping out of your comfort zone, fear that you won’t have the steam to stay with your dream and keep moving forward, fear that you will succeed. So now you have the tools to recognize the devil in the blue dress, what do you do about it? Begin by feeling the fear, and then let it go. Then put a voice to the fear, say it out loud and visualize it evaporating in the air …like a puff of smoke. When you can see that the line between fear and excitement is very thin, then very quickly fear can turn into excitement and passion, and what use to be fear, can now fuel your creation. Transforming fear into passion is no different than going from knowing that you can’t hike a mountain because it’s too hard and scary-to taking on the challenged, reaching the top and feeling totally empowered. We stop the flow of great amounts of PASSION that could fuel our visions when we allow our fears to take over.
Shifting from denying and fighting the fear to accepting it, helps you to release it and then use it to keep you in the game. Let passion fill you up and lead you to your true joy. Smell more roses, watch more sunsets, eat dessert first, walk barefoot in the morning grass, and do more. Laugh more, dance more, love more, explore more places, be more spontaneous, inPASSION…stop for a minute and say the word out loud with feeling … Passion—how does that feel to you? Think about it for a few seconds, and now say it again…Passion. I would bet that if you are really in touch with your feelings, you might say it makes you feel squirmy, sexy, and alive. But why is that? It’s just a word, right? Well, Yes, no, sort of. PASSION is a life force, and that force is life. When you let yourself be in touch with your feelings, you can feel that life force and the power that’s behind the feeling of PASSION, the most intoxicating of all. It’s the spark that can not only ignite the dynamite, blow it out of the water kind of power source, but an opening of the valve that can literally transform you everyday life into an extraordinary one, and a master of creation! Now just so we are clear about this, I am not talking about sweaty hot Palpitating heart flashes or spastically bouncing off walls, nor hip, hip hurray cheerleading….even though it is true, passion does come in all forms and degrees. The passion I mean is a strong inner knowing, a quiet sureness that continuously reassures that you are the one in control of your destiny, and that “the tiger you are holding by the tail is actually you!” “I want it, I got it, sign me up,” might be your thoughts of the moment… and I fully intend to give you that gift, but first let’s play a game. Starting with you thinking about something that you want to bring into creation—a relationship, a new career or bringing your career to another level, a healthy fit trim body, or a new lifestyle in a better area or home? Pick just one to work on, any one, even if you would like to create all of the ones above. Now, ask yourself, what is the fuel behind this dream? Is it a desire for money, possessions or fame? Whatever the reason, if your creation is not powered by a PASSION for you to follow your joy, you not only are going to be working overtime, it will never be all it can be. Again, the question rises up…how do you activate a passion generated by joy and not a need that demands effort and often doesn’t produce the results you want? How?…by not resisting your natural instincts and birthright to have what you want come in an easier and more joyful way. The sooner that you can let go of the limiting voices in your head that have convinced you that there is only one right way to achieve, the sooner you will allow and feel the buzz of PASSION pushing you forward to your dream. At Meister Eckhart book called The Passion for Creation, really brings this message home. Start by sparking your passion by creating a space to feel, to examine what really excites you. What dream you have always had, that if it came true would be like WOW. Now in that safe space, ask yourself these questions: What do you repeatedly dream about having, what is your vision or goal that you may never have shared with anyone else? What do you read about, watch on TV, often times get into conversations with others? Ask these questions repeatedly until you can clearly feel what excites you, and then give yourself the time and chance to investigate your passion…and then take the risk. Take the risk of falling in love with your dream and your own personal power of creation. Since I have played in this game of creation for quite a long time now, I can honestly say that one of the biggest roadblocks that often shows up around creation is fear; False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear that some- one might not like or approve of your ideas, fear of stepping out of your comfort zone, fear that you won’t have the steam to stay with your dream and keep moving forward, fear that you will succeed. So now you have the tools to recognize the devil in the blue dress, what do you do about it? Begin by feeling the fear, and then let it go. Then put a voice to the fear, say it out loud and visualize it evaporating in the air …like a puff of smoke. When you can see that the line between fear and excitement is very thin, then very quickly fear can turn into excitement and passion, and what use to be fear, can now fuel your creation. Transforming fear into passion is no different than going from knowing that you can’t hike a mountain because it’s too hard and scary-to taking on the challenged, reaching the top and feeling totally empowered. We stop the flow of great amounts of PASSION that could fuel our visions when we allow our fears to take over. Shifting from denying and fighting the fear to accepting it, helps you to release it and then use it to keep you in the game. Let passion fill you up and lead you to your true joy. Smell more roses, watch more sunsets, eat dessert first, walk barefoot in the morning grass, and do more. Laugh more, dance more, love more, explore more places, be more spontaneous, indulge in more hobbies, lunch with more friends, smile more and have more fun. Do whatever you can to create a vibration that attracts a continuous flow of PASSION into everything you do. PASSION begets PASSION, so start working on building up that PASSION muscle this very minute. PASSION fuels creation because it is creation in full bloom dulge in more hobbies, lunch with more friends, smile more and have more fun. Do whatever you can to create a vibration that attracts a continuous flow of PASSION into everything you do. PASSION begets PASSION, so start working on building up that PASSION muscle this very minute. PASSION fuels creation because it is creation in full bloom